Jewish Ritual ItemsSo,nu? Do you have a wedding, a new baby, or an anniversary coming up? A hamisha quilt is a truly appropriate gift to mark the occasion. I also specialize in distinctive Jewish holiday handiwork. Passover Matzoh Cover with Letters Matzoh Cover, close up Purim Mask Wine Vests and Coordinating Coasters Passover Matzoh Cover in Greens Chanukah Menorah, Kids Kabbalist Tallis Kabbalist Tallis, interior Kabbalist Tallis, #2 Kabbalist Tallis, Attarah closeup, #1 Kabbalist Tallis, close up #2 Kabbalist Tallis, close up, #3 Kabbalist Tallis, close up #4 Sephardic Tzit Tzit Sephardic Tzit Tzit closeup Passover Matzoh Cover, wine grapes Passover Matzoh Cover, Wine grapes, closeup Passover Matzoh Cover Passover Matzoh Table cloth with Grapes Matzoh Table cloth, close up Chanukah Tree of Life Long Hanging